Monday, September 10, 2012

Medical Cannabis Sold at Cost--Measure 80 part 14

  The next section of the text of Measure 80 establishes that cannabis used to treat medical conditions or used in medical research will be sold at cost to patients and recognized Oregon medical research facilities:

474.045 Commission to sell cannabis at cost for medical purposes. The Commission shall sell cannabis at cost, including OCC expenses:

(a) To Oregon and other states’ pharmacies and OCC stores for use under a physician’s order for glaucoma, nausea related to chemotherapy, AIDS, or any other condition for which a physician finds cannabis to be an effective treatment; and,

(b) To recognized Oregon medical research facilities for use in research directed toward expanding medical and sociological knowledge of the composition, effects, uses, and abuse of cannabis, to include studies of cannabis purchasers voluntarily participating through OCC stores under ORS 474.055.

  This means:

(a) Patients who use cannabis under a doctor's order will pay substantially less for cannabis than recreational users.

(b) Medical research facilities in Oregon will be encouraged to do legitimate research on the effects of cannabis use, and cannabis consumers will be given the opportunity to volunteer to participate in research studies about cannabis.

  If Measure 80 passes, Oregon will have the opportunity to become a premier research center for medical marijuana, which some have called "The Miracle Drug of the 21st Century," and researchers will be encouraged to pursue objective studies into the effects of cannabis on users not subject to the paranoia-inducing effects of prohibition.

Vote Yes on Measure 80

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