Sunday, September 16, 2012

Where will the money go (cont'd)?--Measure 80 part 18

  We're continuing with our summary of the text of Measure 80 with part (2) of the description of how the money taken in by the OCC will be dispersed.

(2) All money from the sale of cannabis shall be remitted to the State Treasurer for credit to a cannabis account, from which sufficient money shall be continually appropriated:

(a) To reimburse the commission for the costs of purchasing, processing, testing, grading, shipping, and selling cannabis; of regulating, inspecting, and auditing licensees; and of research studies required by this chapter; and,

(b) To reimburse the Attorney General’s office for costs of enforcing this chapter’s criminal provisions.

(c) To reimburse OCC contractors for their expenses and labor with 15 percent of gross sales.

    The meaning of this is pretty straightforward:

All the money that the OCC takes in will be given to the State Treasurer to put into a cannabis account.  The OCC will be able to access these funds year-round for the following reasons:

(a) To pay for operating costs, including testing for quality, background checks on people who want licenses, and the cannabis research required by this law.

(b) To pay back the State Attorney General for costs related to enforcing this law.

(c)  To pay out to OCC retail stores 15% of their gross sales.

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